
Today, I actually did something semi-difficult...

I put together our new sofa! All by myself. It came in a lot of pieces and without the cover on and I fastened it all together, somehow, without breaking it or myself. We haven't had a couch in 1.5 years (the crappy loveseat we had last year does not count) and it's amazing. And I'm officially Ikea-ed out now.

Here are some unrelated pictures from the weekend

New Computer!

Well, I finally have my computer back. I spent a long time yesterday getting everything set up again...downloading my stuff off the external hard drive, reinstalling Photoshop/Illustrator/etc. I'm still not totally done but it's a lot better than when I first got it.

I got this really cool program called iCalviewer that puts it on the desktop and it's awesommmee. I've wanted something like this for so long and looked but never found it!

I also bought a new vacuum for the first time ever (I've always gotten my parents' old ones) and it's so nice to have one again. We haven't owned one since we lived in Columbus and that was over a year ago. The rug is so clean!

Clean Apartment Tour!

New humidifier to cure our dry noses

Our couch will be delivered in the next two weeks!

LED lights! Like candles but better

My grandma made this

We're going to paint the wall with the paintings on it orange

I just got those lights from Ikea and I have to figure out where to hang them.


I feel kind of guilty because I haven't exactly done anything in the past few days other than take my computer in to be fixed and drop off negatives for prints. I'm just going to blame it on the fact that I've felt pretty sick since Friday/Saturday and no matter what I do/how much Advil I take, my back is killing me. So even though I really want to go to the paint store and start working on the kitchen, the thought of standing (or even sitting) on the subway is really unappealing. Even sleeping hasn't really helped. So I'll leave you with a cute picture of Finny...he's a midget cat.

Hopefully I feel a little better tomorrow and I can get some things done!

Lost 4x5s

I just realized I don't know where any of my 4x5 negatives are and the last time I saw them was over a year ago. I'm really hoping they're somewhere at my mom's house because I want to scan some of them for my portfolio. Today I edited the ones I scanned in a long time ago - they're kind of bad, because my film scanner only goes up to medium format so I had to scan half and half and put them together and the colors were balanced differently even though I worked my Photoshop magic so you can sort of see a faint line down the middle. Click to enlarge (the details are pretty awesome even in these crappy scans).

Those last two are just the middle portions of the negative, which sucks because they're my favorite ones.

Layout // Website

So the only thing I did last night (while not sleeping...because for some reason my body thinks daylight hours are for sleeping) is redo the layout of this blog. All of my awful memories of html came flooding back when I started! I used to be really into making websites but nobody looked at them and I didn't want to pay $6/month. Anyway, I decided I should have one again, with my portfolio on it, in case anyone wants to see it. So I registered a name and everything but now I have to wait for the hosting system to update before I can upload pages to it. I think I'm going to try to learn Dreamweaver because doing it all by hand is a big pain. I have kind of a lot of scanning to do, would be nice if my scanner weren't messed up. I hate electronics! So far this month:

- Digital camera died
- Hard drive of computer crashed
- Scanner makes line through images

But on a more positive note, I already sold two photographs in my etsy store! Thanks to everyone who looked or bought...I hope to use the money to buy more film/processing (and pay off my massive credit card debt).

my :( dress form

So, I found this dress form yesterday in the trash in front of my apartment (I guess the girls upstairs got rid of it?). I really should probably have left it, but it's my exact size and the thought of being able to put stuff on the dress form and make it instead of doing it flat has made me keep it so far. The major problem is that it doesn't have a stand, so it's just sitting on the floor. I found some instructions online on how to make a stand using some PVC pipes, so I might try that. The other problem is that it's pretty ugly, but I guess I can overlook that since it was free and my size. I definitely don't have $150 to drop on a new one of these!

It's already helped me! I've had this (awesome) sweatshirt for like two years now but the shoulders were absolutely huge and it made me look like a linebacker. I didn't want to mess it up by trying to alter it but I figured I wasn't wearing it anyway. And I fixed it!

I also resized this, although I guess you wouldn't really think so, considering it's still pretty big. Before this, though, it was huuge. And not in a cute way.

When I actually learn how to sew, I need to use these fabrics! The flowery one I thrifted and the green one I found in a garbage pile on a tree lawn, and there's probably two yards of it!

Unrelated, but look at our new comforter! (The weird green shapes thing). Not that you can tell, but it's down and amazing.

etsy store

I now have an etsy store!! :

Card #1, Scanned Photos

A possibility for a would say Merry Christmas between the bow and the bottom but I didn't want to ruin it with my handwriting when I'm not sure how to write it yet, so...

I also scanned in some more old slides that I found at the thrift store a few years ago. Ignore the incredibly annoying green line in every picture...apparently all of my electronic equipment is dying these days :( The pictures are from 1958 and I just realized I scanned a few in backwards, so that's why the writing is all weird. Sorry!

This baby is about 50 years old now...pretty weird.

Cleaning Up

my favorite lamp ever

Today, we cleaned up a lot and took my computer to the Apple store. The hard drive is all gone :( Luckily, I backed up all my photos for the first time in a year about a week ago so I'm not too upset about it. Tomorrow, I want to clean up the rest of the apartment, upload some of my photo scans to my etsy store, and work on my illustrations some more.