So, I found this dress form yesterday in the trash in front of my apartment (I guess the girls upstairs got rid of it?). I really should probably have left it, but it's my exact size and the thought of being able to put stuff on the dress form and make it instead of doing it flat has made me keep it so far. The major problem is that it doesn't have a stand, so it's just sitting on the floor. I found some instructions online on how to make a stand using some PVC pipes, so I might try that. The other problem is that it's pretty ugly, but I guess I can overlook that since it was free and my size. I definitely don't have $150 to drop on a new one of these!
It's already helped me! I've had this (awesome) sweatshirt for like two years now but the shoulders were absolutely huge and it made me look like a linebacker. I didn't want to mess it up by trying to alter it but I figured I wasn't wearing it anyway. And I fixed it!
I also resized this, although I guess you wouldn't really think so, considering it's still pretty big. Before this, though, it was huuge. And not in a cute way.
When I actually learn how to sew, I need to use these fabrics! The flowery one I thrifted and the green one I found in a garbage pile on a tree lawn, and there's probably two yards of it!
Unrelated, but look at our new comforter! (The weird green shapes thing). Not that you can tell, but it's down and amazing.
that floral fabric is amazinggggggg
i know! i think doing fabric design would be really awesome
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