I made a dress!

Yes, the title says it all. I made my very first dress, from a 60s pattern I got on ebay. I didn't want to use nice fabric since it was my first one, so I used this weird blue and black mini houndstooth stuff I have a million yards of that should probably really be like...suit jacket material or something. The dress should really be out of lighter weight cotton or something like that....next time!

Don't mind the open back...I don't have any buttons, so it's not totally finished.

Not only was it my first dress, it was my first time making sleeves, using interfacing, making ruffles, gathering, and only the second time making anything from a pattern. Not bad, huh? I really want to make this again in a better fabric and not mess up the things I messed up the first time...I'm bad at following directions sometimes, especially confusing patterns.

More Family

Here's my grandma...she was so adorable! She was the tiniest lady ever and a painter and a poet. I have a book of her poems that she published when she was 88...they're really witty and amazing, a lot like her paintings (that are hanging all over my apartment and both of my parents' houses)! She was so great...she always treated me like a real person, even when I was little, when most adults talk down to kids. I have a whole library of art books from her waiting for me in my dad's attic for when I have a bigger apartment someday!

I have no idea who this was but there were two photos of her in the stash. She's really pretty, though!

Family Photos

I scanned all of these old photos for my dad and this is one of my favorites:

My grandpa was 25 when he was drafted for world war II. He was a pacifist and completely against the military's involvement and I love how he's so "fuck this" in his uniform instead of being all patriotic like my other grandpa's army uniform pictures (my other grandpa was in the military his whole life). He kind of looks like Danny Kaye!