i think i have an addiction...

to vintage clothes from ebay. See evidence #1 & 2:

I think I also have an addiction to wishing it were summer, since I can't really wear these things until summer comes (at least not the dress). SIGH. At least I'm prepared?


Well, I guess if you want to, you can go see three of the 20+ windows up at Macy's that I worked on! So that means I can post pictures of that stuff now, yay. I don't have pictures of the windows themselves yet (but they look really cool) but I have pictures of what I worked on, which was making lots of paper flowers!

If you want to check out the artist's website (and you should!) her website is here - http://www.eloisecorrdanch.com/. She designed the flowers and everything else!

Next best thing

Well, since I can't show you what I'm working on at work (confidentiality, how important), I can show you where I'm working! It's not much to look at, I'm just happy I actually got out my normal camera for once. The rest of the roll was the project and the pictures turned out so well! I can't wait until I can actually post them (April 5th!).

Have I talked about how much I love my wide-angle lens yet? Because I do. It was my grandpa's (as was the camera, a Nikon F3 - expensive for the time and still $400-500 for the body! The lens is $600...there's no way I would ever be able to afford that!) and I got it last summer from my dad. I'm so lucky to have had two artistic grandparents! I got two cameras from my grandpa and a crazy lithography press from my grandma (in storage) along with tons of artwork and (I like to think) a creative sensibility.

I'm always sad that I didn't get to know them as an adult...as a kid, I kind of wanted the typical grandparents that baked cookies for me or took me to the zoo. They always talked about their art friends and painting retreats and golfing and crazy things they did in the '50s, which was totally uninteresting to me at 8 or 10 but which I would love to hear about now. I'm so glad that my dad saved as many of their things as possible...they had so much cool stuff that I would love to put in my future house someday! Nobody else has room for it, anyway, so I am more than willing to take it all out of storage!


I've been so productive lately! But I can't show you any of the fruits of my labor until April 5th, when the ~show~ goes up. I'm also almost done with another paint by numbers but I've only been doing 1-2 colors per day so it's going a little slower.

Right now, I'm TRYING to teach myself Dreamweaver and am wondering if it's worth it. I feel like in the long run, it will probably make things so much easier...but right now, I'm just really frustrated since I can easily type all the HTML/CSS myself and upload it (it just takes for.ev.er.). After that, I have to teach myself Quickbooks. Hopefully that's easier. Then, I will open my "official" etsy store! I made a website so it's all proper and stuff. I can't really open it until my current freelancing job is up but at least when it is, I'll have something to do instead of sitting around all day! I actually have a lot of things I want to do but don't seem to have time for right now.

1. Build up store
2. More gocco prints
3. Finish paint by numbers
4. Start a painting
5. Go to the Met

gocco prints!

We keep forgetting to print out my Illustrator file so I can print it on our gocco (we don't have any ink for our printer) so I just drew the outlines instead with the carbon pen, just to be able to print something, and I really like how it turned out! We printed some blank cards that were laying around with the initial color - the pearlescent purple (it has a really pretty shimmer). When the color started wearing away, we added the fluorescent magenta so it has a cool double-color effect. The design is based on the Camellia flower but I think it looks more like a Chrysanthemum - my birth month's flower! - and it turned out looking rather East Asian-ish. I think it would be really cool to expand on that and print it in gold ink on red paper so it looks like a brocade. It looks really good on black. Gocco printing is so easy and fun...it almost makes me want to learn how to screen print for real!

I really love how it looks on newsprint, although I guess nobody would want to buy a print on newsprint, would they (?).

I like the idea of it in a pattern of some kind, too


I might start the other one tomorrow - they always come in sets of two, it must have been a couples activity.


I got some old paint by number kits on ebay and I just started one! People in the 50s definitely had a lot more patience than people do now...I think most people now need instant gratification or they're not satisfied. I spent like 1.5 hours and this is all I got done: