Mini Update

I started school and I'm so excited! My professors are really cool and I can tell they're going to be really good, too. Also excited because I finally put the dyed shirts on Etsy and someone bought one already!

I'm trying to get into the habit of sketching every day even though it's discouraging since I'm kind of terrible...I guess the only way to improve is practice. I found this blog - Carving Paper - that's really inspiring. He draws every day and is so diligent about it. I want to take advantage of all the parks and people-watching places in New York before I move. Especially the park half a block from our house! I'm so spoiled.

Old Pastel Photos

All from here.

not worth scanning

Every time I'm away from the internet, even for a few days, I lose all motivation to look at it again...that's what I blame my recent lack of posting on, anyway.

Also currently into old-fashioned hot air balloons...I promise I'm not obsessed with cats or drawing cats, they're just the only things to draw in my apartment!

Etsy Additions!

Here's some of the stuff I got while thrifting yesterday (up on etsy now!)

and I might keep this for myself, I haven't decided yet:


As I expected, my idea of simply popping over to some thrift stores on Long Island didn't exactly go as easily as planned. For whatever reason, I don't bother printing out directions from Google, I just use VZ Navigator - a program which doesn't always give the fastest or least complicated directions. Let's just say it took about 45 minutes until I got on the Belt Parkway (about 3 miles from my apartment). But! I did get to see pretty parts of Brooklyn I had only seen on street view before...actual houses with yards and driveways! Old tree-lined streets! It was like we weren't even in New York anymore. The thrift stores were really terrible compared to the ones I'm used to, but I was pretty much expecting that too. There are a lot more out there that we didn't make it to, so maybe next time I'll find a better one. Maybe farther east? I did get some new stuff for the store! Not a ton, but some cute sweaters and fallish stuff. We also stopped by the Ikea out there and they had the chairs I've wanted for so long!

The Brooklyn Ikea is always out of them but there were a million at this one...I was really happy, and now we have dining chairs so we can actually use our table and not eat on our laps! How civilized of us.

Gold Dress

You may remember this gold dress with a huge stain down the front:

Well, yesterday, I hemmed it (it took forever, the fabric is as thick as upholstery probably is, actually) and today I received my mannequin! Everything looks a million times better on it than on the wall!

Definitely not as classy as it used to be, but at least it's not wasting away as garbage somewhere?

Now I have to spend forever uploading & editing all the pictures I retook of all my Etsy stuff on the mannequin...

60s Travel Posters

I don't think I'll ever be totally over the long-lasting obsession with the 60s I had starting in 6th grade when the Beatles were my favorite band and my dream was to live in mod I guess it's not surprising that I love these posters

(all from here)

I really love how they're hand-colored/painted/drawn. I'm not the biggest fan of computer illustrations. I hate how flat and perfect they usually look. I got some gouache over the weekend and I've been messing around with it! I like it a lot...I'm terrible at watercolors and this is like a happy medium between watercolors and oils, since it's water-soluble but opaque and blends nicely. In my rush to get out of the art store before spending all my money, I forgot to buy white, oops, so I can't really do much right now.