Lucy in the Sky

When I was in high school, I went through a huge Beatles phase. I was epic. I still know pretty much all the trivia about every song they wrote and way too many details about their personal lives. So I thought it was cool that our current assignment for illustration is to design a square illustration (basically a record cover) inspired by the lyrics of a Beatles song. I picked "Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite". I didn't think I could do a song from Yellow Submarine without subconsciously being overly influenced by the art from the movie. But I have always been pretty obsessed with the "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" scene. I love rotoscoping and I love the crazy brushwork in it. I'm trying to incorporate some of the ideas from this scene into my piece...we'll see if it works out or not. Here are some stills from the movie! (Poor quality from Youtube because I can't find my DVD of it, ugh).

Etsy Update

I went on a dyeing spree the other day and made some of my favorite shirts yet!

Aren't they kind of amazing? I'm not even really bragging since half of it is just luck - I guess the other half is my extreme talent for stuffing wet shirts into interesting shapes and pouring dye onto them?

If by any chance you'd like to purchase one, just go here!


I figured I might as well incorporate my (stagnant) fashion blog into this one because two is one too many to keep up with. I haven't posted anything sartorial in a long time because my camera is dead, I've been covered in charcoal and paint since starting school, and I haven't had money for pretty things! Until last month, anyway, when it was my birthday!

I have a Topshop order that hasn't arrived yet -

This shirt is so cute! It's not in the store here.

Isn't this basically the best ever?? It's velvet! I feel so glamorous! I don't ever buy matching underwear sets but I thought the two were too great to not buy together (and I had birthday money!). Actually, Topshop's lingerie is mostly cheaper than Victoria's Secret...but I guess that's not totally surprising since VS is completely overpriced.

Anyway, yesterday I went in and was just browsing when I saw the dress that I was going to buy myself for my birthday but couldn't afford - and it was half off! I don't have any real pictures yet (camera) but here are some terrible photobooth pictures

The top buttons up the back and is really soft!

I also got these because they were on sale for $30 on Amazon and I've wanted them for a while:

Okay, done. I feel all consumer-y and gross. But luckily (?) I won't have any more money to buy things until after Christmas. I found a new Flickr group that's called What I Wore Today but it's drawings of outfits only! I'm so much more into this than taking photos of myself. Definitely going to start contributing soon.