New Computer!

Well, I finally have my computer back. I spent a long time yesterday getting everything set up again...downloading my stuff off the external hard drive, reinstalling Photoshop/Illustrator/etc. I'm still not totally done but it's a lot better than when I first got it.

I got this really cool program called iCalviewer that puts it on the desktop and it's awesommmee. I've wanted something like this for so long and looked but never found it!

I also bought a new vacuum for the first time ever (I've always gotten my parents' old ones) and it's so nice to have one again. We haven't owned one since we lived in Columbus and that was over a year ago. The rug is so clean!


susie m. said...

your desk top is so cute! i love that ical application; it looks great.

susie m. said...

desktop! not desk top!

alycia cobb said...

that application is awesome! i've always wanted something like that.
-thefinearts, lj