Yesterday's sewing

Here's the other version of the shirt I posted yesterday!

And here's something I hemmed, not too exciting, although it was the first nylon thing I've ever sewn...kind of special?

I looove the pleating on the neckline, it's so pretty!

More dyed shirts!

I'm really liking all the cool colors.


I just went on a vintage pattern buying spree! I decided I should probably get some more patterns so I don't have to make the same shirt over and over. I do have a cute dress pattern, but it requires a zipper and I'm not sure I'm to a zipper level yet...

The dress in the middle in fall colors and maybe sheer sleeves if I can handle sewing that material (probably not) = awesome.

Going to make the shit out of that lace dress...I will totally get over my fear of midtown fabric stores for that one. And anyway, I've been to Mood, it's not all that crazy.

Okay so I think the outfit on the left might be able to drag me away from my tshirt/shorts combo that I've stuck with for sleeping in nearly my entire life.

and...I'm waiting for this one to end (then I'll get free shipping!)

The sleeves!!

I need to go to bed before I spend all of my money on patterns! The prospect of sewing without a pattern is more appealing but until I have a dress form, I think it would be way too I will resort to ebay until then.

Seersucker blouse

Today, I sewed my first ever successful thing from a pattern! It's a cute little blouse from a pattern I got on ebay - someone had written 1962 on it by hand!

Like I said, my camera is on its way out...

It's so cute! You might not be able to tell, but the shirt is split down the middle front and the stripes are going perpendicular. I actually made two of them and the other one is with two different fabrics (how it was shown on the pattern). I added the collar on this one but not on the other one...I still have to hem the bottom and sleeves on the other so I'll post it another day. After having to rip out a not-small amount of seams, it came out pretty well. I mean, not perfectly, but hey...first thing ever! I even pressed the seams and did everything properly. Sewing is a lot of fun...I just wish I weren't so intimidated by the fabric stores here in the so-called "fashion capital of the world".

Dyed Shirts!

For the past few days, I've been super busy making all kinds of stuff! Check out these shirts I dyed -

My favorite...terrible picture, I think my camera is on its way out.

My awesome setup in our huge bathroom.

There are eight more drying right now! I plan on printing over some of these (abstract metallics, on the dark ones) and others just leaving plain. They're really nice dyes because (unlike RIT), the dye molecules actually attach to the molecules of the fiber, so the shirts won't fade! Maybe in 20 years or something, but not any time soon.

Inspiration Tuesdays - Ivan Bilibin

I'm kind of obsessed with Mr. Bilibin. He was a Russian illustrator from the late 19th/early 20th century and is most famous for his illustrations of Russian fairy tales. I love all the patterns mixed with blocks of color - his stuff is a bit of a precursor to some 60s art, like Peter Max's work and Yellow Submarine, both of which I've always liked. He was influenced by contemporary Japanese artists like Hokusai, which is pretty evident, especially in the landscapes, and I love Hokusai! Plus, I can't not like fairy tale illustrations (my overactive imagination means I love fantasy stories), especially with all of the great folk art details. I'm waiting until I have a Friday evening free to go to the Folk Art Museum here!

Etsy -

PS. In an effort to clear out some stock, if anyone wants to buy anything from my etsy shop, just send me a note (like, "I saw this on your blog!") with your purchase and you can take 15% off!


Okay, I have to post this even though Matt's the brains behind it. We started a "screen printing collective" (yes, we decided you can have a two-person collective...) and this was our first project. Besides the fact that I know absolutely nothing about screen printing and am mainly concerned with Matt putting things that I draw onto t-shirts or tote bags, it went fairly well. Well, kind of. We got one good print out of it, anyway. But lesson learned and next time it will be much better...and isn't it more fun to learn by experience than by the book? That's what we're telling ourselves, anyway. So, I present to you: Klaus, the pacifier-sucking pug.

Otherwise known as Matt's profile photo on Facebook -

Kind of amazing, right? More amazing is that his friend's dog was actually sucking on a pacifier and does this kind of often. Did I mention how much I want a pug? Anyway, we're going to put these on Etsy once we make some decent prints...I hope people will want them. Who wouldn't, though? Pug!!!

Soft Serve Girls

Ever since I, for some unknown reason, decided to draw soft serve all the time, I have been craving it like crazy. Hopefully this weekend I can finally have some!

Inspiration Tuesdays? - J.A.D Ingres

I think I'm going to start posting art (and non-art) that inspires me, if only for a personal record. Today is Ingres, more specifically his pencil portraits. I've never been a huge Ingres fan (much more into Courbet/Manet as far as 19th century French painters go) but after reading more about him, I think I've warmed up to him a little bit. I really like these pencil drawings I found of his. They're almost like etchings. I like how he says so much with relatively little; they're not overworked at all or even overly stiff. Even if they weren't, they look like they were done quickly, which I like.

St Basil's Sundae in Pen

(click to see large version)

Matt and I are thinking about this for a print.

apartment tour! pt. 1

I've been busy cleaning and rearranging and going to Ikea so I wanted to show the ~fruits of my labor~. This is part one, I guess, since two of our four rooms are still a mess. Baby steps!

Sebastien's favorite seat (the table)

Finally hung that light which I've had for 4 years and never put up

I love my new table! The color looks so good with the walls!

Rearranged everything in our feet aren't pointing out the door in our sleep (bad feng shui! and generally unsettling)

New plant & my ridiculously tiny closet

My dresser & Matt's...with some of my stuff encroaching on it. Oops..

& what I did this afternoon -

Because I am a visual learner...

Isn't this visual representation of drive use so much easier to understand?

I've been doing a lot of house cleaning but it looks like I should be doing some computer cleaning too...I only have 5GB free and my computer is unhappy whenever I try to run Photoshop and Lightroom at the same time (a problem).

I think the fact that it's taking up 30GB of my computer is as good an excuse as any to buy season one of Gossip Girl. And to move some digital photos from high school onto the external hard drive.

I am obsessed with soft serve

My mind has been flying lately, I can't keep up with it! Tomorrow I'm going to Ikea to get a work table so I don't have to draw on my lap uncomfortable. Today I took everything out of my dresser and reorganized it and set aside half a garbage bag full of things I don't want anymore. I'm going to have a stoop sale whenever I get a free weekend (August, I guess) and hopefully someone will want to buy all of my H&M and Forever 21 castoffs!

happy birthday

My mom's birthday is Tuesday so I made her a card with her two dogs on it. Aww.