I've wanted one of these for so long! This one is from an estate sale.
From a different estate sale, $10!
50¢ kangaroo soap holder (it suctions to the corner of the bath) & $2 anchor buttons
I can learn how to tie complicated knots
From the flea market, this cat now resides in a gilded frame I got at the thrift store. It's waiting to go up on my portrait wall along with the strange boy from the 60s, Salina class of 1980, and paint-by-numbers cats.
Also cat-themed, this has a hole in the bottom for a light bulb to go in. So weird.
I love this
Old soup spoons!
This is probably one of the best things I've ever thrifted. the pictures are kind of terrible but in real life, it's amazing! It almost makes me wish it were fall just so I could wear it (velvet is probably not the best idea in this weather).
Anyway, that's about it. I have a million photos to edit for the store but when they're done I'll put them up, too!
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