New Colors

I got my six new dye colors in the mail today (extremely quickly! Thank you Dharma Trading!) so now I have eight shirts dyeing. They have to sit overnight and then tomorrow I will see how they turned out! It's always a surprise. All the colors I got this time are warm colors...I was thinking of fall leaves and how some people might not be as into the whole black/purple/navy thing as I am. Here are some terrible photos from my phone because my camera is dead (like, completely) and I don't know where the other one is.

New dyes! Lovely colors - oxblood red, moss green, burgundy, golden brown, soft orange, and bubble gum (so I only bought this one because I like pink and it was definitely does not go with my palette at all).

I'm hoping that orange becomes a little less road-work-crew when I wash it probably will.

Shirts in their plastic cup homes!

Last night I played around with some acrylic paints and remembered how difficult (for me) to work with they are. I really, really prefer oils. I'm going to the art store this weekend to buy some gouache because I've never used it before and I love how it looks. I hope it's easier than regular watercolors, because I'm terrible at watercolor.