print ideas

Yesterday, Matt taught me how to use Illustrator! Well, he taught me how to use the pen tool, which has always eluded me in my Photoshop studies (of the past 8 years or so). We're working on coming up with print ideas for our gocco so i messed around with some ideas and came up with these -

I'm trying to keep them one color because it will be easier for printing on the gocco but we have one with registration plates so it's not like it's impossible to do multiple layers.

Other than that, I have been making lots of healthy food...tonight we had shrimp with whole wheat pasta and cherry tomatoes with cauliflower on the side. And a mixed berry & fat-free yogurt smoothie!

Tomorrow I'm going to greenpoint to be an artist's assistant (sounds important, doesn't it?)...I hope it works out and I meet some cool people!