
I guess I'm straying from the original point of this blog (to motivate me to accomplish things in my daily life) but what is life if not constantly evolving? ...Right? Ha, anyway, I still intend on doing that but hopefully nobody minds if I post other things as well.

Anyway, thanks to eBay, I turned these

(a $4.99 thrift store purchase)

into these -

(melissa & forever21, respectively)

But I am not nearly satisfied with my shoe collection :(. Considering how many clothes I own, I don't really have many pairs of shoes. I mean...I only own three pairs of heels and one of them is for interview purposes only (ugly)! I only have one pair of boots that be worn in snow (none in rain) and I have always lived in the north! I pretty much donated my entire shoe collection last year because they were all old and not at all my style anymore. I guess that's the problem with shoes...they're too expensive for me so by the time I can afford a pair I want, it's been too long and I don't really like them anymore. And even better than having shoes bookmarked that someday I might be able to afford is when I see them on street fashion blogs and have no idea where they came from...

(I seem to have a theme but I kind of need the green ones)