i think i have an addiction...

to vintage clothes from ebay. See evidence #1 & 2:

I think I also have an addiction to wishing it were summer, since I can't really wear these things until summer comes (at least not the dress). SIGH. At least I'm prepared?


alycia cobb said...

i dont know how you find cute stuff! i never do. i really like that dress the more i look at it.

little j said...

i guess i just save lots of pictures of clothes i like and then look at them for inspiration on what to search for...i try to search really specific terms to narrow it down. plus, the really specific listings are usually by people who aren't putting their stuff on super trendy models and charging wayyy too much money.

but i think it's mostly luck, haha. especially since nobody bid on that top the two times it was listed (including me, who forgot both times and then bought it now).